Dengue situation 2024 and symptoms and treatment of dengue fever

Dengue situation 2024

The dengue situation in 2024 has seen a significant rise globally, with over 12 million cases and more than 8,000 deaths reported by August 2024. The Americas have been particularly hard-hit, accounting for a large portion of these cases. In the region, cases have surged by over 226% compared to 2023 and 426% higher than the five-year average. Brazil, Peru, and Mexico are among the countries experiencing the most intense outbreaks. Additionally, Europe has reported autochthonous (locally transmitted) cases, with France and Italy confirming infections since mid-2024, driven by favorable environmental conditions for mosquito vectors. Dengue situation 2024 and symptoms and treatment of dengue fever

Globally, 90 countries are actively battling dengue transmission this year, and the situation is particularly alarming in tropical and subtropical regions, where vector-borne diseases are more prevalent​ . Dengue situation 2024 and symptoms and treatment of dengue fever

The high incidence emphasizes the need for strengthened mosquito control efforts, public health measures, and potential vaccine rollouts to mitigate the spread of the disease. Dengue situation 2024 and symptoms and treatment of dengue fever

Dengue fever symptoms and treatment

Dengue Fever Symptoms:

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral infection that can range from mild to severe. Symptoms typically begin 4-10 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito and last for 2-7 days. The common symptoms include: Dengue situation 2024 and symptoms and treatment of dengue fever

  1. High fever (up to 104°F or 40°C)
  2. Severe headache
  3. Pain behind the eyes
  4. Severe joint and muscle pain (also called "breakbone fever")
  5. Fatigue and weakness
  6. Nausea and vomiting
  7. Skin rash (appearing 2-5 days after the fever starts)
  8. Mild bleeding (nosebleeds, gum bleeding, or easy bruising)

Severe Dengue (Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever):

In some cases, dengue can progress to a severe form, which is life-threatening. Symptoms of severe dengue include: Dengue situation 2024 and symptoms and treatment of dengue fever

  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Persistent vomiting
  • Rapid breathing
  • Bleeding gums or nose
  • Fatigue, restlessness, or irritability
  • Blood in vomit or stool
  • Low blood pressure leading to shock


There is no specific antiviral treatment for dengue fever, but supportive care is essential. Treatment focuses on relieving symptoms and preventing complications.

  1. Rest: Patients should get plenty of rest to help the body fight the infection.
  2. Hydration: Drink fluids to avoid dehydration, especially if vomiting is frequent. Oral rehydration salts may be recommended.
  3. Pain Relief: Use acetaminophen (paracetamol) for fever and pain. Avoid aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen, as they can increase the risk of bleeding. Dengue situation 2024 and symptoms and treatment of dengue fever
  4. Monitoring: In cases of severe dengue, close monitoring of blood pressure and blood counts is essential. Hospitalization may be required to manage fluids, monitor for bleeding, and provide intensive care if necessary. Dengue situation 2024 and symptoms and treatment of dengue fever

When to Seek Medical Help:

  • Symptoms of severe dengue, such as persistent vomiting, severe abdominal pain, or bleeding, require immediate medical attention. Dengue situation 2024 and symptoms and treatment of dengue fever

Preventing dengue by avoiding mosquito bites and controlling mosquito populations is crucial, as there is no widely available vaccine for all types of dengue. Dengue situation 2024 and symptoms and treatment of dengue fever

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