9 Important Ways to Lose Belly Fat in Women

 9 Important Ways to Lose Belly Fat in Women


1. Ways to lose belly fat.

2. Nine Easy Ways to Lose Belly Fat

3. Ways to lose belly fat without exercise.

4. How to lose belly fat in 7 days.

Many of us want to lose our extra fat. But due to some irregularities, the amount of belly fat increases a lot. Today we will discuss some important ways to lose fat or lose belly fat.

Important points to lose belly fat:

1. Avoid eating too fast.

2. Try to eat three meals a day.

3. Never eat rice on a big plate.

4. Do not eat more than necessary.

5. Quit binge eating.

7. Don't sleep unhealthily.

8. Try to eat red rice, red flour.

9. Try eating low-fat or fat-free foods.

Do not skip any meal

Many people skip breakfast in the morning and plan to eat lunch once. Skipping one meal increases the tendency to overeat or eat unhealthy food in many cases. This leads to weight gain and obesity. If this is the case for you, which meal should you skip no

Eating slowly

If you have a habit of eating while watching dramas or other things on TV, then there is a possibility that the problem is not TV or games or dramas. The problem is leisurely eating. When you are busy with other work, you usually pay less attention to how much you eat. You may overeat when necessary. Eating while watching TV We don't eat because we are hungry but we eat because we have to eat something while watching TV. If this is the case, change this habit.


Clouds build up due to stress and it happens in several ways. When we are stressed day after day, our body secretes a hormone called breast milk. An increase in this hormone can lead to cravings or cravings for extra sugar or fatty foods. The effect of council to increase weight does not end here, it does three more things.

1. Abdominal fat helps to accumulate fat more than other places in the body such as the back or abdomen, what we call the central artist.                                                               

2. Increases another hormone that makes us feel more hungry.

3. Reduces a hormone called Lekti that makes us feel full. The bottom line is that it makes us feel less full, we feel hungry more, and the fat that we eat more is stored in the stomach area.

Fast eating habit:

  When you start eating food, the food goes into the stomach and your brain has a conversation with the stomach. It can take up to 20 minutes for the brain to know if the stomach is full. If you eat fast, you are likely to overeat. Because the brain may not be able to quickly tell you from the stomach that you are full. The solution is to eat slowly and mindfully. This is what we call “mindful eating”. And if you have to eat very quickly, then take a certain food and finish eating there.

Eating on a big plate:

The plate is not the main thing, but how much you eat. If the plate is big, we usually take a bit more food. As a result, we overeat. And in this way excess food is consumed. So if the plate size is a little smaller from the start or if you take care of the amount of food while taking food, then the chances of overeating will decrease.

Do not eat more than necessary:

We usually eat more than we need. For which we cannot reduce the amount of fat. Again, when I go to dinner, I often eat too much sense of decency. Or if someone gives me food on the plate, I try to finish it. Again, when meeting with friends, some orders are given despite the fact that the stomach is full. These habits can lead to obesity and weight gain. Breaking out of this cycle requires a lot of conscious decision making. Make a decision to eat or not to eat, keeping in mind all the effects that excess food can have on the body. Avoid excessive sugary foods.

Eating red rice, red flour:

While making white chawa, other essential nutrients including fiber are thrown away. Fiber helps us digest food slowly. Due to the removal of fiber, the food is digested quickly and the blood sugar level in the blood increases quickly. Various studies have shown that eating more white rice and white flour is associated with obesity. On the other hand, eating more red rice and red flour has been shown to be associated with lower body fat. So what can be done? Eat red rice or brown rice.

red rice

red rice

white rice

How is white rice made?

White char is made by discarding the top layer of red rice. At the same time, we have lost many essential nutrients. Gradually develop the habit of eating red flour and red rice. You may not like the taste at first, but it will help you lose weight and have many health benefits.

Low-fat or fat-free foods:

You might be a little shocked to hear that low-fat foods can cause obesity. Because we generally think of low-fat foods as healthy. It's true that low-fat diets can be healthy, but not in all cases, with a little explanation. When a food is made low-fat, the fat is removed or reduced

এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

পূর্বের পোস্ট দেখুন পরবর্তী পোস্ট দেখুন
এই পোস্টে এখনো কেউ মন্তব্য করে নি
মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

অর্ডিনারি আইটির নীতিমালা মেনে কমেন্ট করুন। প্রতিটি কমেন্ট রিভিউ করা হয়।

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